PTA Board of Directors (“BOD”)

The PTA Board of Directors is composed of the: 

*The PTA Executive Committee;

*Chairpersons from each committee of the PTA; and 

*The school principal. 


The BOD is the legal body of the Mountain View ES PTA.  It is charged on behalf of all Mountain View ES PTA members, with the fiduciary duty and oversight of our PTA.


Committee VP

There are up to five PTA VPs assigned to oversee the committees. The VP responsible for each committee is listed on the committee chairperson contact sheet (enclosed). The VP's role is to help support the committee chairs with getting the necessary approvals from the Executive Committee, reporting to the Executive Committee, and recruiting volunteers.


Ethics and Code of Conduct 

As the legal entity acting on behalf of the Mountain View ES PTA, and correspondingly reflecting upon the Georgia PTA, each BOD member is required to conduct themselves in a manner consistent with the Georgia PTA Code of Conduct and formalize his/her agreement on the Georgia PTA Local Unit Ethics and Code of Conduct Agreement available here: Ethics and Code of Conduct Agreement


Plan of Work

Each committee must complete a Plan of Work, outlining their plans and estimating a budget for the upcoming year.  This form must be submitted by June 30th.  Plan of Work forms are completed online here: Plan of Work.


Transition Plan

Each committee must also complete a Transition Plan by May 15th.  The Transition Plan outlines all actions taken by your committee and serves as a “road map” for future committee members to follow.  Transition Plan forms are completed online here: Transition Plan.


Google Workspace & Shared Drive Folders

The PTA uses Google Workspace as the central hub for all document storage and software access.  Committees log in using their email addresses.  Within Google Workspace, each committee is assigned a shared Google Drive to house their committee-related documents, including copies of transition plans, flyers, forms, and plans.  Please use your assigned shared drive folder so future committee chairs have access to previous year’s documents.


Event Planning:  Security 

For PTA events at Mountain View that will draw a crowd, we are required to provide additional security. One or two security officers may be required, depending on the event being held. We are also required to hire a crossing guard, and (if needed) this individual can double as one extra security officer.


Costs associated with this additional security must be absorbed into our committee budgets. For Evening Events: Officer works for a 4 hour minimum at $35 per hour (total of $140). For Morning Events that take place during "normal police hours," an officer will likely be able to work on the clock, avoiding extra cost to our PTA budgets. 


Event Planning: Master Event Form

For each event, we require completion of a Master Event Form.  This form will provide a comprehensive guide to the details of the event.  It must be completed two weeks prior to the event and submitted to the presidents.  Once reviewed and approved, it will be submitted to the principal and kept on hand by the office.  It is important that we provide the office with as much information as possible about the event.  The Master Event Form Template is located in the Shared Drive (Select “New” - Click the arrow next to Google Docs - Select “From Template”.


Event Planning: Volunteer Database

We have a master volunteer database for use by our committees throughout the school year. Included in this database are: the PTA BOD, people who have signed up to help with a specific committee, those who filled out the one-sheet form to become a MVE volunteer, and classroom Room Reps. If your committee has the need for a large group of volunteers - or would simply like to tap into a group of people willing to help at our school, please complete the Volunteer Sign Up Request Form here: Volunteer Sign Up Request.


Your request for volunteers should have everything needed to create a SignUp. Please type out all requests and descriptions, as s/he will simply 'cut and paste' your information into the Sign Up. The more information you include, the better!


Branding for Flyers & Promotional Material

As part of our Strategic Goals, we have rebranded to create a consistent, unified, modernized, and powerful perception of our messaging and visual identity.  To remain consistent with our rebranding strategy, we have implemented a consistent color palette and logos.  All BOD members are granted access to our Canva software subscription for creation of materials.


In the Canva software you will find our selected color palette, typefaces, and logos.  These include: 


Financial Forms 

Listed below are several of the commonly used PTA forms. All forms can be found on the Mountain View PTA website ( under Membership -> Resources. 


Check Request 

The Check Request form is used to receive a check written from our PTA funds or for personal reimbursement, should you use personal funds to pay for PTA activity. Receipts and/or Invoices are REQUIRED to be submitted with the Check Request form.  Copies of the Check Request Form are available here: Check Request.


Cash Verification 

The Cash Verification form is used to submit cash received during a PTA event. This form requires multiple counter signatures before submission.  Copies of the Cash Verification form are available here: Cash Verification.


Check Verification 

The Check Verification form is used to submit checks received. It is very important to list each check individually on the form.  Copies of the Check Verification form are available here: Check Verification Form.


Front Office Procedures 

You must always sign in at the front office when visiting the school, and you will be given a printed name badge for use during your PTA business. 


Communication to Families 

As a Committee Head, there may be times this year when you might like to reach out to all families at Mountain View - or a subset of these families - and we'd like to be certain everyone is familiar with the best ways to do just this. Committee Heads can use these various methods of communication at your discretion. Depending on your timing and information, you may choose to use one or a few of these communication options. 




All communications (whether sent through the school or via PTA channels) must contain the PTA logo and your contact information (your name, PTA committee, and PTA alias email) so people will know who to contact with questions regarding your information. 


Option #1 - Online Distribution Through Room Reps

Step 1: Obtain Dr. Garriss's approval of your communication. Email our school secretary, Robin Carney (, with your written email communication exactly as you would like it distributed. Robin will facilitate approval from Dr. Garriss, and she will contact you when your communication is approved. 


Step 2: Send your approved communication to our Room Representative Committee Chair (, who will forward your information to the classroom reps for each class. These classroom reps will distribute your communication within their classroom populations. 


Very Important Note: You MUST allow 36-48 hours for your communication to be distributed by the Room Representative Committee. Please do not expect your info to hit families the same day you send it to the Room Rep Committee Chair. It may take 2-3 days, so please plan accordingly when sending communications. 


Option #2 - Online Distribution Through CTLS

Email our school secretary, Robin Carney (, with your written email communication exactly as you would like it distributed with a request to send it via CTLS. Robin will facilitate approval from Dr. Garriss, and she will forward your approved communication via CTLS. 


Option #3 - Online via the Mountain View Elementary School Website 

Our Media Specialist, Jami O'Connor (, will add your pre-typed and pre-approved (by Dr. Garriss via Robin Carney) information to the school's main webpage at your request. 


Option #4 - In School via the MVE Morning News 

Email your pre-typed, pre-approved communication to Jami O'Connor ( who facilitates the Mountain View morning news program. This "live" show airs each morning for students and teachers as the school day begins. 


Option #5 - Hard Copy Distribution Through the Teachers

Step 1: Obtain Dr. Garriss's approval of your communication. Once your flyer/form/etc. is complete, please drop a hard copy with Robin Carney in the front office, and she will help obtain the signature. It may take a day or two to get your document signed, depending on Dr Garriss's schedule. Please factor this in when planning.   


Dr Garriss requires her signature on all hard copy papers sent home to families via students.  So you must copy and distribute the form/flyer with Dr Garriss's handwritten signature to families. Please do not send out ANY flyers without the “RG” plus the date in the bottom corner. 


Step 2: Obtain an updated student list by classroom from the front office staff before making copies (these change very often).  Copies can be made using PTA paper stored in the PTA office.  Use the copy machine in the learning commons to make all copies.  Make additional copies for the front office to have on hand.


Step 3: Sort the appropriate number of copies and label them for each class.  Give the sorted copies to the front office staff for distribution to the teachers' mailboxes. Please be sure to provide a copy for each teacher and for the front office so that they are up to date on the details of your communication. 


Option #6 - Online via PTA Social Media 

The PTA maintains an official Facebook page and Twitter page.  Postings to these pages can be made directly through Canva by selecting “Share” – “Share on Social” and selecting “Facebook” or “Twitter”.  You can also schedule your posts (or reminders) to post at later dates using the “Schedule” selection.  


Posts can be shared from our official Facebook page to the unofficial Moms and Dads Facebook Group.


We no longer have a committee for managing our social media presence.  Accordingly, each committee will be responsible for scheduling their own social media posts through Canva. 


Option #7 - Online via the MVE PTA Website & PawPrints 

All post submissions are completed via this Google Form: Website Submission Form.


Your entered information will be added to the Mountain View PTA Website pursuant to the specifics of your request.  Be sure to allow at least 1 week between your submission and posting time. 


PawPrints is distributed via email to subscribed MVE families every SUNDAY by noon.  It automatically pulls the MVE PTA website feed.